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Program info

This property page displays the technical parameters of the transport stream.

The parameters explained

Parameter Explanation
Program Association Table (PAT)

For each service in the multiplex, the PAT indicates the location (the Packet Identifier (PID) values of the Transport Stream (TS) packets) of the corresponding Program Map Table (PMT). It also gives the location of
the Network Information Table (NIT).

Transport Stream ID (TID) The ID specified by the broadcaster.
Programs The programs the are contained in the transport stream. A so called full mux can transport 10 SD channels or 3 - 4 HD channels. Only program with associated elementary streams are listed here. For a full list see the Programs Page.
Audio Streams Lists the contained audio streams and selects the active audio stream. The additional info specifies the ISO language identifier and the track format, like MPG or AC3.
Associated File Extensions This semicolon separated list specifies the file extensions of files that are played back using the HDTVPump. Can can edit this list as needed.
Preferred Demultiplexer This parameter specifies how the filter graph is built. The demultiplexer splits audio and video packets.
Video Info

Steam Type
Video Size
Frame Rate
These parameters describe the video stream.

The packet identifier for the video packets
The indicated video stream type
The ISO/IEC type format
The physical dimensions of the video stream
The indicated playback frame rate
The presentation time stamps which govern the video/audio synchronization

Audio Info

Steam Type
These parameters describe the selected audio stream.

The packet identifier for the audio packets
The indicated audio stream type
The ISO/IEC type format

Prefer AC3 Audio Track If selected, the HDTVPump uses the AC3 track for playback. If the stream does not contain an AC3 track, the first MPEG audio track is selected.
Auto-Select Media Type If selected, the HDTVPump displays a confirmation dialog, if the audio media type requires a graph rebuild. If not selected, audio may remain muted, if the media type differes from the type for which the graph is build.
Allow Graphedit to attach to graph If selected, you can use the graph editor to inspect the playback graph. This is useful to track down playback problems.
Determine Media Length If selected, the HDTVPump does a fast file scan to determine the playback time of the movie.
Ignore Bad CRC On PMT If selected, more table instances can be inspected to determine video and audio PIDs. Use it, if HDTVPump can't find video and audio streams, deselect it, if you experience crashes in MCE2005.
Fast Seeking If selected, the seeking in files is very fast, but only accurate within a second. If deselected, reseeks are common to find the exact video frame position. In either way, video and audio is synchronized after seeking to ensure lip-sync playback. Synchronisation may case audio or video to pause for a short time after seeking.


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